Shipping Policy

Shipping Policy

Shipping Timeline processes and ships items as soon as we receive them from our sellers. However, this may not be on the same day as your order. Typically, you can expect to receive your item within the chosen shipping time frame:

  • Standard Shipping: 4-10 Business Days
  • Extended Shipping: 10-30 Business Days

If a product is not fulfilled directly by, the expected lead time will be noted on the item’s description page. For specific inquiries about lead times, please contact us.

Order Confirmation and Tracking

You should receive an email confirming your order shortly after placement. If you do not receive this confirmation, please check your Spam or Junk folder and mark it as “Not Spam” to ensure future emails land in your inbox. This confirmation is crucial, as it includes your shipment notification and tracking information.

Important Notes

  • Unresponsive Delivery: If your shipment arrives in your city and there is no response from you, it will be returned to the origin city. In such cases, you will be refunded 60% of the product cost (plus applicable customs charges). Shipping charges are non-refundable.
  • Missing Items: Report any missing items within 3 days of receiving your shipment. If you do not receive your order within 30 days from the purchase date, contact us immediately. Concerns raised beyond this timeframe may not be accepted.
  • Customs Delays: In rare cases, shipments may be delayed in customs and require additional documentation. Failure to provide the requested documents may result in the shipment being confiscated, and no refund will be offered.
  • Incomplete Documentation: If a shipment is returned to the origin due to incomplete documents from the consignee, you may be refunded the product cost only.
  • Non-Received Products: If you do not receive the product at the specified address and cancel the order, you will receive a refund of 60% of the product cost (plus applicable customs charges). Shipping charges are non-refundable.

Refused Delivery

If you refuse delivery, will attempt to return the shipment to the origin city. The return shipping cost will be deducted from your refund. The refund amount will be calculated as follows:

Refund Amount = Product Cost – Return Cost

Refunds will be processed once the shipment returns to the seller. If the product cannot be returned to the origin city, no refund will be issued as the item may be disposed of by customs.

Not Fulfilled by Products

Products not fulfilled directly by may take a minimum of 4 days up to 30 days to deliver. We may cancel these products from your order and issue a refund if there are delivery issues. We will expedite the process once we receive the products from sellers.

Note: If any product in your order is canceled due to reasons such as stock unavailability or restrictions, we reserve the right to process the remaining items in your order.

Dispute Resolution

Disputes raised within 60 days after order processing will result in a refund of 60% of the product cost (plus applicable customs charges). Shipping charges are non-refundable.

Cancellation Guidelines

  • If the Shipment is Processed: If the shipment has been created or processed, you will receive a 60% refund of the product cost (plus applicable customs charges). Shipping charges are non-refundable.
  • If the Shipment is Not Processed: If the shipment has not been processed by the seller, a full refund will be issued.

Note: Orders cannot be canceled once the shipment has left for your country.

Delivery Delays

In rare cases, delivery may be delayed due to:

  • Bad weather
  • Flight delays or transport issues
  • Customs clearance procedures
  • Other unforeseen circumstances

If you believe your order is delayed, please contact us at

Import Fees Deposit offers estimates for customs duties, taxes, and fees (“Import Fees”) during checkout and handles customs clearance on your behalf for eligible countries and regions.